We Answer Questions AND Provide Resources

We want you to feel Confident & Supported

We Understand.
When a woman first thinks she’s pregnant she has a lot of questions.
It can feel overwhelming.
Our trained, compassionate advocates are ready to help.
Our Services
Free Pregnancy Tests
Free Birth & Parenting Classes
Mentorship from Trained Coaches
Access to Baby Boutique
Getting help is easy.
1. Contact Us
106 Chenega Avenue, Valdez, AK
Thurs. & Friday 1-4 pm, Sat. 10-4 pm
2. Meet With a Coach
Sit down in a confidential setting with one of our trained advocates. They will listen to your concerns and help you with a plan.
3. Feel Empowered
We’ll walk with you and your family through your pregnancy and beyond; providing knowledge and support so you can successfully embrace parenthood.
What People Are Saying
“Becoming a new mother can be quite overwhelming! I was grateful to have a resource at my fingertips- the little sparrow training videos. I especially found the videos on nursing incredibly helpful. Being able to pause & rewind allowed me to watch the videos in between the hectic schedule of newborn feedings & diaper changes. I found the information useful & easy to digest, even when sleep deprived! ”
— Katy Thompson, Valdez
“Little Sparrow was there for me in my time of need. Being new to the community I was lost on where to look, when my breast pump gave out. I was met with so much care and generosity. I was able to get what I needed to continue my breastfeeding journey. I am truly grateful and thankful for Little Sparrow Pregnancy Care Center.”
— Patty Ruiz, Valdez
“Our family used our Little Sparrow “Baby bucks” training points to “purchase” clothes for our foster child from the Little Sparrow Baby Boutique. The clothes were like new & we were grateful that this resource was available to us.”
— Donald & Zena Disney, Valdez
We attended the birth class at Little Sparrows in preparation for our little one’s birth and are so glad we did. It was fantastic to be able to learn about and comfortably discuss something that was new and a little daunting to think about. It was a tool in our toolbox to feel more prepared for childbirth. We are so grateful to the staff and volunteers and to the other couples, all of whom have created a support system that is invaluable during this season of life.
— AJ Moyer, Valdez
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Pregnant or a New Parent?
We want you to feel empowered!